High Quality Sodium Fluosilicate CAS-16893-85-9

High Quality Sodium Fluosilicate CAS-16893-85-9


Sodium Fluosilicate

Basic Information

Product name: Sodium Fluosilicate

CAS: 16893-85-9

Molecular formula: Na2SiF6

Molecule weight: 188.05500



Density: 2.68 g/mL at 25 ° C (lit.)

Precise mass:  187.94700

LogP 2.14040

Appearance: white crystalline powder

Refractive index:  1.310



Firstly, store in a ventilated, cool and dry warehouse

Secondly, do not store and transport together with food, feed and acid




Firstly, used as insecticide, adhesive, ceramics, glass, enamel, wood anti-corrosion, medicine, water treatment, leather, rubber, sodium fluoride, etc And then, used as an analytical reagent, antiseptic, bactericide, and also in the enamel industry

Further, used as glass and enamel opacifying agent, aluminum alloy welding flux, wood anti-corrosion, insecticide, acid resistant cement moisture absorbent, drinking water fluoride agent, etc

Secondly, used as opacifying agent and flux for glass and enamel, wood preservative, agricultural insecticide, moisture absorbent for acid resistant cement. It is used as coagulant in natural latex products, as additive in electrodeposited zinc, nickel and iron ternary coatings, and as plastic filler. In addition, it is also used for the fluorination treatment of pharmaceutical and drinking water, and the manufacture of artificial cryolite and sodium fluoride.

In addition, melt and decompose silicate. Alloy of beryllium and aluminum, enamel of ceramics, making opal glass, and treating wheat winter rust with sodium fluorosilicate, plant ash and water (1:2:300) can reduce the disease rate. And then, wool products are mothproof and wood preservation.

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